All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultWorker, VanillaAbstractFurnaceWorker, VanillaBrewingStandWorker, VanillaCampfireWorker

public interface IWorker
Capability instance for targets that are able to work on something and have their state detected. This capability does not store anything itself, the information should be supplied by its owner. For this implementation to be sane, it is expected that when hasWork() and canWork() are both true, that the target is actually performing its work.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • hasWork

      boolean hasWork()
      If the target has a valid input for things to process. In case of the vanilla furnace, this will return true if there is a valid smeltable in its input slot.
    • canWork

      boolean canWork()
      If the target is able to start working in its current state, and if it is not being blocked by some external or internal factor. In case of the vanilla furnace, this will return true if there is enough fuel in its fuel slot.