Interface IBlockEntityDelayedTickable

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IBlockEntityDelayedTickable
Block entities must implement this interface when using BlockEntityTickerDelayed. This is to enable the required state to be kept during tick delays.
  • Method Details

    • getUpdateBackoffTicks

      int getUpdateBackoffTicks()
      The minimum amount of ticks between two consecutive sent packets.
    • sendUpdate

      void sendUpdate()
      Send a world update for the coordinates of this block entity. This will always send lag-safe updates, so calling this many times per tick will not cause multiple packets to be sent, more info in the class javadoc.
    • sendImmediateUpdate

      default void sendImmediateUpdate()
      Send an immediate world update for the coordinates of this block entity. This does the same as sendUpdate() but will ignore the update backoff.
    • shouldSendUpdate

      boolean shouldSendUpdate()
      If an update should be sent.
    • unsetSendUpdate

      void unsetSendUpdate()
      Reset the send update flag.
    • setUpdateBackoff

      void setUpdateBackoff(int updateBackoff)
      Set the update backoff delay.
      updateBackoff - The new delay in ticks.
    • getUpdateBackoff

      int getUpdateBackoff()
      The current update backoff in ticks.
    • reduceUpdateBackoff

      default void reduceUpdateBackoff()
      Reduce the update backoff tick value by one.