Interface IExternalCompat

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ModCompatBaubles, ModCompatCurios

public interface IExternalCompat
Interface for external compatibilities. Add instances to the ModCompatLoader.compats list. Note that classes implementing this interface can NOT use classes from the targeted mod, since an instance of the Compat will be created anyways, and otherwise certain class definitions won't be found.
  • Method Details

    • getId

      String getId()
      The unique id of this compat, such as the mod id.
    • isEnabledDefault

      boolean isEnabledDefault()
      If this mod compat is enabled by default.
    • getComment

      String getComment()
      The comment of this mod compat in the config file.
    • createInitializer

      ICompatInitializer createInitializer()
      Create a new compat intializer. This should contain all logic to initialize the compat, and will only be loaded if the compat *can* be loaded, so you can safely refer to third-party mod classes in this initializer.
      A new compat initializer instance.