Package org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.core.evaluate.variable
package org.cyclops.integrateddynamics.core.evaluate.variable
ClassesClassDescriptionBase implementation of a variable.Collection of variable types.Registry for casting
.A collection of helpers for variables, values and value types.ValueObjectTypeBase<V extends IValue>Base implementation of a value object type.Value type with values that are blocks (these are internally stored as blockstates).Value type with values that are itemstacks.Value type with values that are fluidstacks.Value type with values that are ingredients.Value type with values that are itemstacks.Value type with values that are recipes.Base value implementation for nullable values.ValueTypeBase<V extends IValue>Base implementation of a value type.Value type with values 'true' or 'false'Wildcard value typeValueTypeCategoryBase<V extends IValue>Base implementation of a value type category.Value type category with values that have a name.Value type category with values that can be null.Value type category with values that are numbers.Value type category with values that have a unique name.Value type with values that are doubles.Value type with values that are integers.Collection of light level calculators for value types..Value type with values that are strings.An appended list.A list proxy base implementation.A concatenated list.A list proxy for the inventory of an entity.A list proxy for the something of an entity.ValueTypeListProxyEntityCapability<C,Context, T extends IValueType<V>, V extends IValue> A list proxy for a capability of an entity.A list proxy for the fluid handler fluids of an entity.A list proxy for the inventory of an entity.A list proxy for the item handler items of an entity.Collection of light level calculators for value types..Registry for list value type proxies.A list that is built lazily from a start value and an operator.A list proxy for a list that is fully materialized already.Factory forValueTypeListProxyMaterialized
.An NBT byte array wrapperValueTypeListProxyNbtAsListGeneric<N extends net.minecraft.nbt.Tag,T extends IValueType<V>, V extends IValue> An abstraction casting an NBT value to a list of a certain type.ValueTypeListProxyNbtAsListGeneric.Factory<L extends ValueTypeListProxyNbtAsListGeneric<N,T, V>, N extends net.minecraft.nbt.Tag, T extends IValueType<V>, V extends IValue> An NBT int array wrapperAn NBT long array wrapperAn NBT tag list wrapperValueTypeListProxyNBTFactory<T extends IValueType<V>,V extends IValue, P extends IValueTypeListProxy<T, V> & org.cyclops.cyclopscore.persist.nbt.INBTProvider> Factory for list proxies that implementINBTProvider
.ValueTypeListProxyNBTFactorySimple<T extends IValueType<V>,V extends IValue, P extends IValueTypeListProxy<T, V>> A base class for list proxy factories that use NBT to store data.A list of NBT keys.An NBT byte array wrapperValueTypeListProxyNbtValueListGeneric<N extends net.minecraft.nbt.Tag,T extends IValueType<V>, V extends IValue> An abstraction for a list of NBT values of a certain type.ValueTypeListProxyNbtValueListGeneric.Factory<L extends ValueTypeListProxyNbtValueListGeneric<N,T, V>, N extends net.minecraft.nbt.Tag, T extends IValueType<V>, V extends IValue> An NBT int array wrapperAn NBT int array wrapperA list of NBT tags.A list proxy for a list that is mapped to another list by an operator.A list proxy for a certain position.A list proxy for an inventory at a certain position.A list proxy for the recipes of a recipe handler at a certain position.A list proxy for a tank's capacities at a certain position.A list proxy for a tank's fluidstacks at a certain position.A sliced list.An list without its first element.Value type with values that are doubles.Value type with values that are NBT tags.Value type with operator values.Registry forIValueType
.Collection of variable types.Value type with values that are strings.A default variable implementation.