All Classes and Interfaces

Event for when an IngredientComponent is being constructed that is emitted on the mod event bus.
Proxy for the client side.
The main mod class of this mod.
Proxy for server and client side.
A simple composite list implementation.
A comparator implementation for Data Components.
Default implementation of IIngredientComponentStorageHandler.
A default recipe handler that contains a dirt to diamonds recipe.
An naive ISlotlessItemHandler wrapper around an IItemHandler.
A default temperature implementation that has a fixed temperature that can't be changed.
Default implementation of an IWorker
A filtered iterator over all slots in a fluid handler.
A filtered iterator over all slots in an item handler.
An iterator over all slots in a fluid handler.
Fluid matching flags.
A config with general options for this mod.
Helper methods.
Abstraction over Items, Entities, and Levels.
Instances of this interfaces can be used to attach a ICapabilityProvider to instances of IngredientComponent that are selected by name.
A minimal storage for a type of ingredient component.
A capability that can hold ingredient component storages.
A minimal slot-based storage for a type of ingredient component.
A handler for wrapping external storage interfaces into IIngredientComponentStorage and the other way (IIngredientComponentStorage into external storage interfaces).
An instance matcher for certain instance and condition types.
An serializer for instances and condition parameters of a certain component type.
Represents the current state of an inventory.
A collection of ingredient instances of different types.
A IngredientComponent is a type of component that can be used as ingredients inside recipes.
A base implementation of IIngredientComponentCapabilityAttacher.
A helper manager that can be used to easily attach capabilities to ingredient components.
A categorizer for an instance type.
The ingredient components that will be registered by this mod.
A dummy ingredient component storage that is empty.
A dummy slotted ingredient component storage that is empty.
Energy storage wrapper handler for IEnergyStorage.
Fluid storage wrapper handler for IFluidHandler.
Item storage wrapper handler for IItemHandler.
Item storage wrapper handler for ISlotlessItemHandler.
Helper methods for ingredients.
A wrapper around an ingredient component instance that properly implements the IngredientInstanceWrapper.equals(Object), IngredientInstanceWrapper.hashCode() and Comparable.compareTo(Object) methods.
Exact matcher for a void match condition.
Matcher for FluidStacks.
Matcher for ItemStacks.
Serializer for energy.
Serializer for FluidStacks.
Serializer for ItemStacks.
An ingredient that is identified by a given instance and can be matched with other instances under a given condition.
A holder for a list of IPrototypedIngredient alternatives.
Defines the inputs and outputs of a recipe.
An IRecipeHandler is able to process recipes.
A simplified form of the IItemHandler that is slot-agnostic.
An inventory state implementation that wraps around an IItemHandlerModifiable.
An iterator over all slots in an item handler.
An inventory state implementation that wraps around an IItemHandlerModifiable.
An item handler wrapper for items.
Item matching flags to be used in ISlotlessItemHandler.
Indicates if something has a temperature.
Capability instance for targets that are able to work on something and have their state detected.
Raw implementation of mixed ingredients.
Abstract implementation of mixed ingredients.
A raw prototyped ingredient.
An oredictionary-based IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives implementation.
A list-based IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives implementation.
A recipe definition based on maps.
Class that can hold basic static things that are better not hard-coded like mod details, texture paths, ID's...
Referenced registry entries.
An abstract ISlotlessItemHandler wrapper around an IItemHandler.
Abstract recipe handler based on transforming a recipe collection.
Temperature capability for vanilla furnace tile entities.
Worker capability for the vanilla furnace tile entities.
An item handler wrapper for the composter block.
Recipe handler capability for the vanilla brewing stand.
Worker capability for the vanilla brewing stand tile entity.
Temperature capability for vanilla campfire tile entities.
Worker capability for the vanilla campfire tile entities.
An abstract capability capability delegator from entity item to inner itemstack.
An energy handler for entity items that have an energy handler.
A fluid handler for entity items that have a fluid handler.
An abstract capability capability delegator from entity item frame to inner itemstack.
An energy handler for entity item frames that have an energy handler.
A fluid handler for entity item frames that have a fluid handler.
An item handler for entity item frames that have an item handler.
An item handler for entity items that have an item handler.
An item handler wrapper for the bundle.
An item handler wrapper for the shulker box in item form.
Capabilities for Vanilla.
Recipe handler capability for recipe types.
Temperature capability for the vanilla furnace tile entity.