Class IIngredientCollectionLikeSingleClassifiedTrait.ClassifiedIteratorDelegated<T,M,C,I,L extends IIngredientCollectionLike<T,M,I>>

Type Parameters:
T - The instance type.
M - The matching condition parameter.
C - A classifier type.
I - The type that can be iterated over. This is typically just T.
L - The collection-like type that is being used to store classified partitions.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing interface:
IIngredientCollectionLikeSingleClassifiedTrait<T,M,I,C,L extends IIngredientCollectionLike<T,M,I>>

public static class IIngredientCollectionLikeSingleClassifiedTrait.ClassifiedIteratorDelegated<T,M,C,I,L extends IIngredientCollectionLike<T,M,I>> extends Object implements Iterator<I>
An iterator over classified collection of a single-level classification that allows removals.