All Classes and Interfaces

A button that can be clicked for reward collection.
An advanced button type.
A button for the advancements, so they can be hovered.
Helpers related to advancements
A holder for advancements and rewards.
An advancement rewards appendix.
Packet for obtaining advancement rewards.
Event for when an IngredientComponent is being constructed that is emitted on the mod event bus.
The action used for BiomeModifierConfig.
Config for biome modifiers.
Helper class for registering block entity capabilities.
Packet for notifying the server of a button click.
Used capabilities for this mod.
Registry for capabilities created by this mod.
Proxy for the client side.
Base proxy for the client side.
Helper methods for collections.
Command for dumping the registries to JSON files.
Command for opending the test info book.
Command for checking the version.
Proxy for server and client side.
Base proxy for server and client side.
The action used for ConditionConfig.
Config for recipe conditions.
Condition handler for checking if configs are enabled.
Container for the test book.
Gui for the On the Dynamics of Integration book.
Shaped recipes.
The main mod class of CyclopsCore.
A configurable potion effect.
A component that has to be added for classes that want to implement the DamageIndicator behaviour.
This extension on Item with a fluid capability will show a damage indicator depending on how full the container is.
A default implementation of the capability provider.
Default implementation of IIngredientComponentStorageHandler.
A default recipe handler that contains a dirt to diamonds recipe.
A default sided implementation of the capability provider.
An naive ISlotlessItemHandler wrapper around an IItemHandler.
A default temperature implementation that has a fixed temperature that can't be changed.
Default implementation of an IWorker
A dynamic model with a parent that can be used for items and blocks that delegates its blockstate.
A dynamic model that can be used for items and blocks that delegates its blockstate.
A simple data class for a block position inside a world.
An equivalent to Direction for being able to also refer to block positions that are at a euclidian distance of maximum 2.
A model that can be used as a basis for flexible baked models.
A dynamic model that can be used for items and blocks.
This class contains helper methods to get and set certain enchants and enchantment levels on item stacks.
Helpers for entities.
A filtered iterator over all slots in a fluid handler.
An iterator that filters over an instances collection based on an instance with a match condition.
A filtered iterator over a collection that has the IIngredientCollectionLikeSingleClassifiedTrait trait.
An iterator that filters over instance map entries based on an instance with a match condition.
A filtered iterator over all slots in an item handler.
The action used for FluidConfig.
Config for fluids.
An iterator over all slots in a fluid handler.
An itemfluid handler with a mutable capacity.
Config for the item fluid handler with configurable capacity capability.
A simple IFluidHandler implementation that only allows fluid reading.
Fluid matching flags.
Condition handler for checking if a fluid has been registered.
Blood Infuser recipes.
Global counter that is shared over all dimensions, persisted, and consistent over server and clients.
The action used for GuiConfig.
Additional helper functions related to GuiGraphics.
Represents the direction of a progress bar.
A link wrapper targeted at other sections.
Constructor for capabilities.
Constructor for capabilities.
Abstraction over Items, Entities, and Levels.
Getter for capability types.
Interface for client proxies.
Interface for common proxies.
Can be injected into the config handler when building configs.
A server-side button action.
A container button click acceptor.
Interface for the ParticleDropBlockComponent.
A fluid handler with a mutable capacity.
An item fluid handler with a mutable capacity.
A fluid handler that is mutable.
Instances of this can be used with the InfoBookRegistry to create in-game manuals.
Registry for in-game manuals.
Interface that can be applied to Block or Item so that they can provide information when the player hovers over the item in their inventory.
An ingredient collection that does not strictly adhere to the IIngredientCollection interface and will collapse ingredients that are equal, ignoring their quantity.
A mutable ingredient collection that does not strictly adhere to the IIngredientCollection interface and will collapse ingredients that are equal, ignoring their quantity.
A collection of ingredient component instances.
A collection-like thing that contains ingredient component instances.
An interface-based trait for collections that have a multi-level classification, which classify instances in smaller collections based on all category type of a component type.
An interface-based trait for collections that have a single-level classification, which classify instances in smaller collections based on a category type.
An iterator over a single-level classification that allows removals.
An iterator over classified collection of a single-level classification that allows removals.
A mutable collection of ingredient component instances.
Instances of this interfaces can be used to attach a ICapabilityProvider to instances of IngredientComponent that are selected by name.
A minimal storage for a type of ingredient component.
A capability that can hold ingredient component storages.
A minimal slot-based storage for a type of ingredient component.
A handler for wrapping external storage interfaces into IIngredientComponentStorage and the other way (IIngredientComponentStorage into external storage interfaces).
An ingredient collection using list semantics.
A mutable ingredient collection using list semantics.
A mapping from ingredient component instances to values of any type.
A mutable mapping from ingredient component instances to values of any type.
An instance matcher for certain instance and condition types.
An serializer for instances and condition parameters of a certain component type.
A ingredient collection using set semantics.
A mutable ingredient collection using set semantics.
An inventory that can also contain fluids.
Represents the current state of an inventory.
A handler responsible for handling key presses.
Hotkey registry
Images that can be added to sections.
Handler for InterModCommss.
A collection of ingredient instances of different types.
Interface for mods which can be used inside the version checker Versions.
A parsed NBT path expression.
Handles a string representation of an NBT path expression.
A result data object for INbtPathExpressionParseHandler.
Datastructure that represents a concrete key-based navigation path that can be derived from a JSON path.
An exception that can be thrown when ingredients are being moved, and some ingredient could not be inserted into a destination storage, even though the simulation declared that this insertion would be allowed.
A ISlotlessItemHandler that uses the index from a IndexedInventory.
Default implementation for an IInfoBook.
XML parser which will generate the infobook.
Registry for info books for a mod.
An infobook instance for testing.
A component that can be used for IInformationProvider implementations.
Section of the info book.
Section that shows a sorted tag index with links.
An ingredient list collection that internally uses an ArrayList to store instances.
An adapter class for mutable ingredient collections.
An abstract collection that stores instances directly in a regular Collection.
An abstract collection that wraps instances in a IngredientInstanceWrapper and stores those in a regular Collection.
Data class for a collection of additions and deletions.
Helper methods for ingredient collection diffs.
Observes an IIngredientCollection to calculate diffs each time IngredientCollectionDiffManager.onChange(Iterator) is called.
An empty immutable ingredient collection.
An ingredient collection that classifies instances in smaller collections based on all category type of a component type.
A mutable ingredient collection that wraps over another mutable ingredient collection.
An ingredient collection that stores the collection as an IIngredientMap where instances are stored as keys and their amounts as values.
A mutable ingredient collection that wraps over another mutable ingredient collection and groups instances by stacking them using their primary quantifier.
Helper functions for ingredient collections.
Helper interface for constructing an IIngredientCollection based on an IngredientComponent.
An ingredient collection that classifies instances in smaller collections based on a category type.
An ingredient collection that classifies instances in smaller collections based on a category type, but multiple instances that are equal (ignoring quantity) are collapsed into one.
An ingredient collection that wraps over another ingredient collection.
A IngredientComponent is a type of component that can be used as ingredients inside recipes.
A base implementation of IIngredientComponentCapabilityAttacher.
A helper manager that can be used to easily attach capabilities to ingredient components.
A categorizer for an instance type.
An implementation of IIngredientComponentStorage that internally uses a IIngredientCollapsedCollectionMutable to store instances.
A dummy ingredient component storage that is empty.
An implementation of IIngredientComponentStorageSlotted that internally uses a IIngredientListMutable to store instances.
A dummy slotted ingredient component storage that is empty.
An ingredient storage wrapper.
An ingredient storage wrapper.
An ingredient map collection that internally uses an HashMap to store instances.
An ingredient list collection that internally uses an HashSet to store instances.
A function that unwraps wrapped instances into instances.
A wrapper around an ingredient component instance that properly implements the IngredientInstanceWrapper.equals(Object), IngredientInstanceWrapper.hashCode() and Comparable.compareTo(Object) methods.
An ingredient list collection that internally uses an LinkedList to store instances.
A mutable ingredient collection using list semantics.
An abstract collection that wraps instances in a IngredientInstanceWrapper and stores those in a regular Map.
An ingredient map that classifies instances in smaller collections based on all category type of a component type.
An ingredient map that classifies instances in smaller collections based on a category type.
An abstract ingredient map adapter.
Helpers for the conversion between IRecipeDefinition and Recipe.
A mutable ingredient collection using set semantics.
Helper methods for moving ingredients between IIngredientComponentStorage's.
Helper interface for constructing an IIngredientCollection based on an IngredientComponent.
An ingredient map collection that internally uses an TreeMap to store instances.
An ingredient list collection that internally uses an TreeSet to store instances.
Default implementation of IInventoryFluid.
An inventory that only exposes a given number of slots.
An ingredient that is identified by a given instance and can be matched with other instances under a given condition.
A holder for a list of IPrototypedIngredient alternatives.
Defines the inputs and outputs of a recipe.
An IRecipeHandler is able to process recipes.
A registry export handler.
Registry for IRegistryExportable.
A reward instance.
Factory for IReward.
Handler to check a type of section condition, for when section tags are used in infobooks.
A simplified form of the IItemHandler that is slot-agnostic.
An extended BlockItem that will add the NBT data that is stored inside the item to the placed BlockEntity for the blockState.
An inventory state implementation that wraps around an IItemHandlerModifiable.
An iterator over all slots in an item handler.
An inventory state implementation that wraps around an IItemHandlerModifiable.
An item handler that only exposes a given number of slots.
This is responsible for adding "show more information" tooltips to registered items.
Item matching flags to be used in ISlotlessItemHandler.
Indicates if something has a temperature.
Condition handler for checking if an item has been registered.
Helper class that can return a first item based on an ingredient.
Used for receiving values from servers to clients in guis.
Used for sending values from server to clients in guis.
Capability instance for targets that are able to work on something and have their state detected.
An appendix for key bindings.
Enum that contains all custom hotkeys that are added.
A copy of ListCodec, but without allowed failures
The action used for LootModifierConfig.
Config for loot modifiers.
Contains helper methods for matrix transformations.
Raw implementation of mixed ingredients.
Abstract implementation of mixed ingredients.
Base class for mods which adds a few convenience methods.
Unique references to values that can be registered inside a mod.
A ModBase which is also a IModVersion.
Helpers for models.
Condition handler for checking if mods are available.
An exception that can be thrown during the parsing of NBT path expressions.
Utility class for parsing NBT path expressions.
A context that is passed during the NBT path execution.
An NBT path expression that consists of a list of chained sub-expressions.
A data object representing the result of executing an NBT path expression against an NBT tag.
A handler that handles follows all child links of a tag via "*".
An abstract handler that handles boolean relational expressions.
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " == 10".
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " > 10".
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " ≥ 10".
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " < 10".
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " ≤ 10".
A handler that handles child path expressions in the form of ".childName", where the matched string represents the child name that should be navigated in.
A handler that handles child path expressions in the form of "["childName"]", where the matched string represents the child name that should be navigated in.
A handler that picks the current position in the NBT tree via "@".
A handler that handles filter expressions in the form of "[?(expression)]", such as "[?(@.childName)]" or "[?(@.childName < 10)]".
A handler that handles child path expressions for ".length", to retrieve the length of lists and tag compounds.
A handler that handles list element expressions in the form of "[10]", where the matched string represents the list element index that should be navigated in.
A handler that handles list slice expressions in the form of "[start:end:step]" such as "[2:3:2]".
A handler that picks the parent of the NBT tree in the current execution context via "..".
A handler that picks the root of the NBT tree via "$".
A handler that handles boolean expressions in the form of " == "abc"".
A handler that handles union expressions in the form of "[10,12]" or "[10,]" or "[,12]", where the matches indicate the children or list elements that should be matched.
A base navigation implementation.
A navigation leaf that matches with all keys.
A navigation inner link that matches with all leafs.
A navigation that takes the union of several navigations.
A parser for strings within NBT path expressions in the form of "ab\"c".
A simple inventory for a currently held item by a player that can be stored in NBT.
A simple inventory for an ItemStack that can be stored in NBT.
Advanced packet handler of PacketBase instances.
The action used for ParticleConfig.
Component that can show drops of a certain color underneath blocks.
Event hook for showing the ring of fire.
A raw prototyped ingredient.
An oredictionary-based IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives implementation.
A list-based IPrototypedIngredientAlternatives implementation.
Recipes that can be added to sections.
A recipe definition based on maps.
A recipe handler that handles RecipeType.
A base implementation of a recipe-based JEI recipe wrapper.
Helpers related to recipe serialization.
Referenced registry entries.
Furnace recipe exporter.
Crafting recipe exporter.
Fluid translation key exporter.
Item translation key exporter.
An abstract recipe exporter for Recipe recipes.
Implementation of IRegistryExportableRegistry.
General renderer for CyclopsBlockEntity with models.
General renderer for CyclopsBlockEntity with Model models.
A renderer for a custom model.
Packet from client to server to request an update to advancement unlocked info.
Packet from client to server to request an update to persisted player NBT data.
An item reward.
Base gui for IInfoBook.
Predicate for matching items used to search.
Separate elements that can be appended to sections.
Packet from server to client to update player advancement unlocked info.
Packet from server to client to update persisted player NBT data.
An inventory state implementation for a SimpleInventory.
A simple tank that can accept and drain fluids until the capacity is reached.
Slot that is used to hold armor.
Slots that will accept buckets and fluid containers.
An abstract ISlotlessItemHandler wrapper around an IItemHandler.
A slot from which the player can only remove an item, not place one inside it.
Slot that is used for only accepting one item.
A convenience datastructure that offers direct synchronization of values between server and client inside GUIs.
Condition handler for checking if a tag key is present.
A simple fluid tank.
Text fields that can be added to sections.
Helper methods for IValueNotifiable and IValueNotifier.
Packet for sending a value from server to client.
Use Forge update files instead:
An ItemStack that has a certain weight that can be used to occur with a certain chance.
Instances of this can store data inside the world NBT.
Data holder for the global counter data.