All Classes and Interfaces

Packet for notifying onLabelPacket changes.
Packet for notifying onLabelPacket changes.
Reference values for the API.
Aspect appendix.
Base class for aspects.
Immutable builder for aspects.
A property that can be used inside aspects.
An instance of a property type with a onLabelPacket.
Base class for read aspects.
Collection of aspect read builders and value propagators.
Registry for IAspect.
Collection of all aspects.
Different types of aspect update triggers.
Variable facade for variables determined by part aspects.
Variable model provider for aspects.
Base class for write aspects.
Collection of aspect write builders and value propagators.
Event for when an INetwork is being constructed.
Event for when an IPartState is being constructed.
A baked model provider that maps keys to baked models.
A baked model provider that maps keys to baked models.
A block that is built up from different parts.
Config for BlockCable.
A block that can generate energy from coal.
Config for BlockCoalGenerator.
A base block with part entity that can connect to cables.
A block that can hold defined variables so that they can be referred to elsewhere in the network.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus block.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus Block Slab.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus Stairs.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus block.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus Brick Slab.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus Stairs.
Config for the Crystalized Menril block.
Config for the Crystalized Menril Block Slab.
Config for the Crystallized Menril Block Stairs.
Config for the Crystalized Menril block.
Config for the Crystalized Menril Brick Slab.
Config for the Crystallized Menril Brick Stairs.
A block that can delay variables.
Config for BlockDelay.
A block for drying stuff.
Config for BlockDryingBasin.
A block that can hold defined variables so that they can be referred to elsewhere in the network.
A block that holds energy.
Config for BlockEnergyBattery.
Base part entity that can hold variables.
A part entity whose block can connect with cables.
A part entity with inventory whose block can connect with cables.
A part entity for the coal energy generator.
Config for the BlockEntityCoalGenerator.
A part entity for the variable delay.
Config for the BlockEntityDelay.
A part entity for drying stuff.
Config for the BlockEntityDryingBasin.
A part entity used to store variables.
Config for the BlockEntityEnergyBattery.
A part entity for the variable materializer.
Config for the BlockEntityMaterializer.
A part entity for the mechanical drying basin.
An abstract machine base tile entity that is able to process recipes by consuming energy.
A part entity for the mechanical squeezer.
A ticking part entity which is made up of different parts.
A part entity for the variable proxy.
Config for the BlockEntityProxy.
A part entity for squeezing stuff.
Config for the BlockEntitySqueezer.
A part entity used to store variables.
Config for the BlockEntityVariablestore.
A block for the Liquid Chorus fluid.
A block for the Menril Resin fluid.
An invisible light source with variable intensity.
A block that can hold defined variables so that they can be referred to elsewhere in the network.
A block that can materialize any variable to its raw value.
Config for BlockMaterializer.
A block that can expose variables.
A mechanical machine base block
A block that can expose variables.
Config for the Menril Door.
Config for the Menril Fence.
Config for the Menril Fence Gate
Config for the Menril Leaves.
Config for the Menril Log.
Menril wood block that is filled.
Config for the Menril Wood.
Config for the Stripped Menril Log.
Config for the Menril Wood Planks.
Config for the Menril Wood Stairs.
Config for the Menril Sapling.
Config for the Menril Slab.
Config for the Menril Torch.
Config for the Menril Stone Torch.
Config for the Menril Stone Torch (wall).
Config for the Menril Torch (wall).
Config for the Stripped Menril Wood.
Config for the Stripped Menril Wood.
A block that can expose variables.
Config for BlockProxy.
A BlockHitResult that specifies the selected VoxelShapeComponents.IComponent.
A block for squeezing stuff.
Config for BlockSqueezer.
A value type world renderer for blocks.
A block that can hold defined variables so that they can be referred to elsewhere in the network.
Config for BlockVariablestore.
A base block with a gui and part entity that can connect to cables.
Default implementation of ICable.
Default implementation of ICableFakeable.
Helpers related to cables.
A dynamic model for cables.
A base dynamic model for cables.
Default implementation of ICable.
Default implementation of ICable.
Used capabilities for this mod.
Base class for cast operators.
Client Proxy
A cluster for a collection of path elements.
Network element for coal generators.
A collision context that is used to indicate that we're checking for block support, e.g.
An operator that somehow combines one or more operators.
A command to let the server crash.
Command for opening the network diagnostics gui.
Command for initiating the integration tests.
Common proxy
An operator composed of a number of other operators.
A thread-safe proxy for reading ingredients within a world.
This class holds a set of all the configs that need to be registered.
Overlay renderer for the omni-directional connector for rendering particle effects.
Base implementation for an energy consuming network element.
Base container for part entities that can hold variables.
Container for aspect settings.
Container for the coal generator.
Container for the delay.
Config for ContainerDelay.
Container for the labeller.
Config for ContainerLabeller.
Container for the BlockLogicProgrammer.
Base container for the logic programmer.
Container for the ItemPortableLogicProgrammer.
Container for the materializer.
Container for the mechanical drying basin.
A base container for BlockEntityMechanicalMachine.
Container for the mechanical squeezer.
Container for parts.
Container for parts.
Container for the On the Dynamics of Integration book.
Container for part offsets.
Container for display parts.
Container for reader parts.
Container for part settings.
Container for writer parts.
Container for the proxy.
Config for ContainerProxy.
Base gui for part entities that can hold variables.
Gui for aspect settings.
Gui for the coal generator.
Gui for the delay.
Gui for the labeller.
Base gui for the logic programmer.
Gui for the proxy.
Gui for the mechanical squeezer.
Base class for mechanical machine guis.
Gui for the mechanical squeezer.
Gui for parts.
Gui for parts.
Gui for the On the Dynamics of Integration book.
Gui for a writer part.
Gui for part offsets.
Gui for a reader part.
Gui for part settings.
Gui for a writer part.
Gui for the proxy.
Gui for the variablestore
Container for the variablestore.
An operator that is partially being applied.
Exception that can occur while loading custom models.
Network element for delays.
Variable facade for variables determined by delays.
Handler for delay variable facades.
An HTTP server that holds a single channel.
A handler for HTTP requests.
Initializes an HTTP server.
A component for displaying errors.
Overlay renderer for the display part to display values on the part.
Drying basin recipes.
Default implementation of IDynamicLight.
Default implementation of IDynamicLight.
Default implementation of IDynamicRedstone.
Default implementation of IDynamicRedstone.
Network element for variable stores.
Helpers related to energy.
A network that can hold energy.
Energy Battery implementation for ItemBlock's.
Entity item that can not despawn.
Config for the EntityItemTargetted.
Exception to indicate a failed evaluation.
A lazy extension for ingredients for a list of instances.
A lazy extension for ingredients for a single instance.
Default implementation of IFacadeable.
Default implementation of IFacadeable.
Dynamic model for facade items.
Config for Liquid Chorus.
Config for Menril Resin.
A value type world renderer for fluids.
Default implementation of IFullNetworkListener.
A FurnaceFuelSlot that does not put restrictions on the used tile entity.
A general choice operator.
A config with general options for this mod.
A general constant operator.
A general identity operator.
Base class for general operators.
GUI element for boolean value types that can be read from and written to checkboxes.
GUI element for value type that are displayed using a dropdown list.
A render pattern for value types that can be read from and written to strings.
GUI element for value type that can be read from and written to strings.
A render pattern for value types that can be read from and written to strings.
Helper methods.
An element that can be used inside parts to access a specific aspect of something to read/write.
Use this comparator for any comparisons with aspects.
A property that can be used inside aspects.
An instance of a property type with a onLabelPacket.
An element that can be used inside parts to access a specific aspect of something to read.
Registry for IAspect.
After the update was called.
Before the update is called.
Used for forwarding values to a next propagator.
A separate instance of this exists for each part.
Variable facade for variables determined by part aspects.
An element that can be used inside parts to access a specific aspect of something to write.
Capability for cables that can form networks.
Capability for cables that can become unreal.
An event posted in the INetwork event bus.
Render pattern for elements inside the logic programmer.
Variable facade for variables that are delayed.
Listener for WidgetTextFieldDropdown dropdown element selection.
Capability that can have its light level updated and stored.
Capability that can have its redstone level updated and stored.
An energy consuming network element.
A network capability that holds energy.
An energy storage with a mutable capacity.
An energy storage with a mutable energy level.
Network elements that can delegate to elements that are automatically subscribed to the INetworkEventBus.
Generic expression that can evaluate expressions with variables to a value.
Capability for targets that can hold facades.
This should be implemented on network capabilities that wish to listen to all network events.
A block that is not visible to the player.
A block that is not visible to the player.
An element inside the logic programmer.
A value type element inside the logic programmer.
A network element that is identifiable within a certain group.
Handles the translation between IngredientComponent instances and IValue.
Registry for handling the translation between IngredientComponent instances and IValue.
An observable ingredient component storage.
A type of change.
An observer for listening to storage changes.
A storage change event.
Handles the translation between IngredientComponent instances and IValue.
An index that maps ingredients to positions that contain that instance.
Cache object that is responsible for storing values of this expression.
An element instantiation inside the logic programmer.
Indicates a type of logic programmer element.
Default images provided by this mod.
A network can hold a set of INetworkElements.
Capability for holding a network.
A handler that adds crafting capabilities to networks.
Objects that can be an element of a INetwork.
Capability that can create instances of an INetworkElement.
An event posted in the INetwork event bus.
An event bus for INetwork events where INetworkElement instances can listen to.
Interface to indicate delegates of a network element instance.
An abstract IIngredientComponentStorage that wraps over a IPositionedAddonsNetworkIngredients.
A slotted wrapper over IngredientChannelAdapter.
An ingredient channel that exploits the network's index.
An ingredient channel that naively iterates over all positions in the network.
Value handlers for ingredient components.
Value handlers for ingredient components.
Instances of this class are able to watch ingredient positions and emit diffs.
An index that maps ingredients to positions that contain that instance.
An empty ingredients positions index.
A value type world renderer for blocks.
The main mod class of IntegratedDynamics.
Main API class for Integrated Dynamics.
This event is invoked during the FMLCommonSetupEvent of Integrated Dynamics, and allows registrations towards Integrated Dynamics to be made.
Annotation for methods that need to be called before each integration test.
Annotation for integration test methods..
An exception to signal mismatching variable types.
A convenience holder class for getting variables from variable cards in a certain inventory slot.
Relation on value types.
Registry for IOperator
A serialization action for operators.
Used for forwarding values to a next propagator.
Variable facade for variables determined for operators based on other variables in the network determined by their id.
An interface for containers that can hold IPartTypes.
A network capability that can hold parts.
A part network element.
A renderer used to render additional elements for a part.
Registry for IPartOverlayRenderer.
Determines the starting position of an iterator of PartPos.
A value holder for an IPartType.
A value holder for an IPartTypeReader.
A value holder for an IPartTypeWriter.
A type of part that can be inserted into a IPartContainer.
A part type that can have an active variable.
A part type for readers.
Registry for IPartType.
A part type for writers.
An element that can be used to construct paths using the PathFinder.
A network that can hold prioritized positions.
An ingredient network that can hold prioritized positions.
A capability that retrieves the IPositionedAddonsNetworkIngredients of an IngredientComponent in a network.
A network element that exists at a certain position.
A variable that exists at a certain position.
Variable facade for variables that are proxied.
Interface for redstone reading the component.
A network element that exists at a certain side.
A path element wrapped together with the side it was found on.
A gui part that can be rendered withing another gui.
A subgui in a box shape.
The item for the cable.
The item for the delay.
BlockItem that can be used for blocks that implement the IEnergyStorage capability.
The item for the proxy.
Config for a liquid chorus bucket.
Config for a menril resin bucket.
Config for the Crystalized Chorus Chunk.
Config for the Crystalized Menril Chunk.
An enhancement item.
Config for an offset enhancement.
An item that represents a facade of a certain type.
Config for the facade.
Recipe for combining facades with blocks.
Config for ItemFacadeRecipe.
A labeller for variables.
Config for the labeller.
Config for the Logic Director.
Config for the Menril Berries.
On the Dynamics of Integration book.
Config for the infobook.
An item that can place parts.
A portable logic programmer.
Config for the portable logic programmer.
Config for the Logic Director.
Packet for renaming a regular itemstack.
A value type world renderer for items.
Item for storing variable references.
Config for a variable item.
Crafting recipe to copy variable data.
Config for the Input and Output Variable Transformer.
The default wrench for this mod.
Config for a wrench.
A smart function that is made up of a list of value propagators.
A builder for iterative smart functions.
An immutable value.
Registry for casting IValue.
A capability that can expose values.
Type of value
Use this comparator for any comparisons with value types.
Abstraction layer above value type to categorize them so that a certain category can be used inside operators among other things.
Registry for mapping value types to their light level calculator.
Proxy for a list.
Registry for list value type proxies.
Factory for a list proxy.
If something goes wrong while (de)serializing.
An element instantiation of a value type inside the logic programmer.
A value type that has a localized name, mostly this type instance is an object.
A value type that can be null.
A numerical value type.
Registry for IValueType
A value type that has a unique name, mostly this type instance is an object.
Variable facade for variables determined by part aspects.
Renderer used to display values for a given value type in the world.
Facade through which a value can be retrieved.
Capability that can hold IVariableFacades.
A facade for retrieving a variable.
Handler for retrieving variable facades from items.
Registry for retrieving variable facade handlers.
Factory for creating variable facades.
Capability for items that can hold a IVariableFacade.
A listener for variable invalidations
A model for variable items.
A provider of variable overlay models.
Provider for baked models.
Interface for redstone writing the component.
Collection of generic L10N entries.
World NBT storage for variable labels.
Variable for a specific aspect from a part that calculates its target value only maximum once per ticking interval.
A generic expression with arbitrarily nested binary operations.
A text-based value type world renderer for lists.
Packet for sending a button packet for the exalted crafting.
All types of logic programmer element types.
A logic programmer event that is posted in the Forge event bus.
Packet for sending a button packet to trigger variable labeling.
Packet for updating the element inventory inside the logic programmer.
Packet for changing a boolean LP value.
Packet for sending a button packet for a change in current ingredients value.
Packet for sending a button packet for the exalted crafting.
Packet for sending a button packet for the exalted crafting.
Packet for sending a to the server if recipe slot properties have changed.
Packet for sending a to the server if a recipe string value has changed.
Packet for letting the server know of a logic programmer element itemstack value.
Packet for sending a button packet for the exalted crafting.
A logic programmer event that is posted in the Forge event bus when a new variable is created.
A loot condition testing if a wrench is used.
Copies energy battery data to the item.
Copies the mechanical drying basin tanks.
Copies mechanical machine energy.
Copies the mechanical squeezer tank.
Copies a proxy id to the item.
A simple Map wrapper.
Network element for materializers.
Mechanical drying basin recipes.
Network element for mechanical machines.
Mechanical squeezer recipes.
Several helpers for models.
Custom model loader for the variable item.
A text-based value type world renderer for NBT tags.
A network instance that can hold a set of INetworkElements.
Constructor event for network capabilities.
Default implementation of INetworkCarrier.
Packet for subscribing a network update to a player.
Packet for subscribing a player to network diagnostics updates.
Packet for opening or closing network diagnostics at a client.
An event thrown when an INetworkElement is being added to the network.
After the element has been added to the network.
A cancelable event before the element is added to the network.
Base implementation for a network element.
An dummy network element provider implementation.
Network element provider for IPartContainer.
A network element provider for a single element.
An event thrown when an INetworkElement is being removed from the network.
After the element has been removed from the network.
A cancelable event before the element is removed from the network.
An event posted in the INetwork event bus.
An event bus for INetwork events where INetworkElement instances can listen to.
Network helper methods.
An event that is posted in the Forge event bus.
Triggers when a network is initialized.
World NBT storage for all active networks.
Captures note block events for one tick.
Infobook class for the On the Dynamics of Integration.
Operator appendix.
A basic abstract implementation of an operator.
Immutable builder for operators.
Collection of operator builders.
Element for operator.
Operator element type.
Registry for IOperator
Collection of available operators.
The default serializer for operators.
A text-based value type world renderer for operators.
Variable facade for variables determined for operators based on other variables in the network determined by their id.
Base class for parse operators.
An aspect part event that is posted in the Forge event bus.
Default implementation of an IPartContainer.
Implementation of an IPartContainer for a part entity.
An part event that is posted in the Forge event bus.
Helpers related to parts.
A callback for setting part state holders.
A part and state holder.
A network that can hold parts.
A network element for parts.
A server-side handler that sends updates to clients listening to part offset updates.
Packet for sending part offsets to a player.
Packet for subscribing a player to network diagnostics updates.
Base class for part overlay renderers.
Registry for IPartOverlayRenderer.
A collection of all part overlay renderers
Object holder to refer to a block side and position.
An IPartPosIteratorHandler that returns the given iterator unchanged.
An IPartPosIteratorHandler that maintains the state of an iterator and achieves round-robin iteration.
An event that is posted in the Forge event bus when a reader aspect was written by a player.
Triggers when a part reader aspect is set.
Render position definition of a part.
An abstract part state with a focus on activatable variables.
An inventory that can only hold one filled slot at a time.
A default implementation of the IPartState.
Dummy part state for parts that should not persist their state.
A runtime exception that can be thrown when a part is in an invalid state.
Handles dynamic offsets inside part states.
A default implementation of the IPartStateReader.
A default implementation of the IPartTypeWriter.
Object holder to refer to another block side and its origin.
Default implementation of IPartType.
An abstract IPartType that can hold aspects.
An audio reader part.
An audio writer part.
An abstract IPartType with a default implementation for creating network elements.
An block reader part.
An abstract IPartType that can have settings.
A base wireless connector part.
A monodirectional wireless connector part that can connect to at most one other monodirectional connector in a straight line.
An omnidirectional wireless connector part that can connect to all other monodirectional connectors of the same group anywhere in any dimension.
An effect writer part.
An entity reader part.
An entity writer part.
An extra-dimensional property reader part.
An fluid reader part.
An inventory reader part.
An inventory writer part.
A machine reader part.
A machine writer part.
A reader part that can read aspects from the network it is contained in.
A base part that is flat and can be used to render things on.
A part that can display variables.
A part that can display variables.
A panel part that simply emits light.
A panel part that is driven by a contained variable.
An abstract IPartTypeReader.
A redstone reader part.
A redstone writer part.
Registry for IPartType.
Collection of parts types.
An world reader part.
An abstract IPartTypeWriter.
Triggers when a variable-driven part aspect is changed.
An event that is posted in the Forge event bus when the variable contents in a variable-driven part is updated.
An event that is posted in the Forge event bus when a write aspect is enabled by a player.
Triggers when a part writer aspect is set.
Implementation of IPathElement for cables.
Default implementation of IPathElement.
Implementation of IPathElement for a tile entity.
Algorithm to construct paths/clusters of IPathElements.
Packet for subscribing a network update to a player.
A network that can hold prioritized positions.
An ingredient network that can hold prioritized positions.
A data object for filter predicates for ingredient networks with their settings.
An abstract operator that is based on something positioned.
An operator related to a recipe handler.
An operator that gets the input of a recipe based on an output.
An operator that gets the output of a recipe based on an input.
An operator that gets the first recipes based on an input.
An operator that gets the first recipe based on an output.
An operator that gets the recipes based on an input.
An operator that gets the recipes based on an output.
An operator that wraps around a predicate.
A wrapper around PartPos that also holds a priority.
Network element for coal generators.
Variable facade for variables determined by proxies.
Handler for proxy variable facades.
Default component for writing redstone levels.
Drying basin recipe
Recipe for combining energy batteries in a shapeless manner.
Mechanical drying basin recipe
Mechanical squeezer recipe
Crafting recipe to clear item NBT data.
Recipe serializer for drying basin recipes
Config for the drying basin recipe serializer.
Recipe serializer for energy container combinations.
Recipe serializer for mechanical drying basin recipes
Config for the mechanical drying basin recipe serializer.
Recipe serializer for mechanical squeezer recipes
Config for the mechanical squeezer recipe serializer.
Recipe serializer for NBT clear recipes.
Config for RecipeNbtClear.
Recipe serializer for squeezer recipes
Config for the squeezer recipe serializer.
Squeezer recipe
Config for the drying basin recipe type.
Config for the mechanical drying basin recipe type.
Config for the mechanical squeezer recipe type.
Config for the squeezer recipe type.
A value type world renderer for blocks.
Class that can hold basic static things that are better not hard-coded like mod details, texture paths, ID's...
An event to link block capabilities to part capabilities.
Referenced registry entries.
Aspect exporter.
Drying basin recipe exporter.
Drying basin recipe exporter.
Mechanical squeezer recipe exporter.
Operator exporter.
Part aspect exporter.
Squeezer recipe exporter.
Renderer for the item inside the BlockDryingBasin.
Renderer for rendering the energy overlay on the BlockEnergyBattery.
Renderer for the item inside the BlockDryingBasin.
Renderer for cable components.
Sub gui for rendering logic programmer elements.
Element type that provides exactly one element.
Variable model provider for a single model.
Slot for a variable item.
Packet for speaking text.
Squeezer recipes.
A sub gui that simply renders a box.
A subgui that itself can contain multiple ISubGui and delegates to them.
Helpers for tests
A simple text-based value type world renderer.
Handles server ticks to delegate to networks.
Network element for part entities.
Config for TrunkPlacerMenril.
An event thrown when a network is loaded with invalid parts.
Variable for a specific aspect from a part that requires updates for value changes.
Base implementation of a variable.
Collection of variable types.
Registry for casting IValue.
A collection of helpers for variables, values and value types.
Default implementation of IValueInterface.
Base implementation of a value object type.
Value type with values that are blocks (these are internally stored as blockstates).
Value type with values that are itemstacks.
Value type with values that are fluidstacks.
Value type with values that are ingredients.
Value type with values that are itemstacks.
Value type with values that are recipes.
Base value implementation for nullable values.
A predicate for values of a certain type.
Base implementation of a value type.
Value type with values 'true' or 'false'
Element for the boolean value type that is controlled via a checkbox.
Wildcard value type
Base implementation of a value type category.
Value type category with values that have a name.
Value type category with values that can be null.
Value type category with values that are numbers.
Value type category with values that have a unique name.
Value type with values that are doubles.
Element for the ingredients value type.
Panel for browsing through the list elements and updating them.
Sub gui that holds the list element value type panel and the panel for browsing through the elements.
Selection panel for the type.
Value type with values that are integers.
Element for a value type that can be derived from an ItemStack.
Collection of light level calculators for value types..
Value type with values that are strings.
Element for the list value type.
Panel for browsing through the list elements and updating them.
Sub gui that holds the list element value type panel and the panel for browsing through the elements.
Selection panel for the list element value type.
An appended list.
A list proxy base implementation.
A concatenated list.
A list proxy for the inventory of an entity.
A list proxy for the something of an entity.
A list proxy for a capability of an entity.
A list proxy for the fluid handler fluids of an entity.
A list proxy for the inventory of an entity.
A list proxy for the item handler items of an entity.
Collection of light level calculators for value types..
Registry for list value type proxies.
A list that is built lazily from a start value and an operator.
A list proxy for a list that is fully materialized already.
An NBT byte array wrapper
An abstraction casting an NBT value to a list of a certain type.
An NBT int array wrapper
An NBT long array wrapper
An NBT tag list wrapper
Factory for list proxies that implement INBTProvider.
A base class for list proxy factories that use NBT to store data.
A list of NBT keys.
An NBT byte array wrapper
An abstraction for a list of NBT values of a certain type.
An NBT int array wrapper
An NBT int array wrapper
A list of NBT tags.
A list proxy for a list that is mapped to another list by an operator.
A list proxy for a certain position.
A list proxy for an inventory at a certain position.
A list proxy for the recipes of a recipe handler at a certain position.
A list proxy for a tank's capacities at a certain position.
A list proxy for a tank's fluidstacks at a certain position.
A sliced list.
An list without its first element.
Value type with values that are doubles.
Element for value type.
Value type element type.
Value type with values that are NBT tags.
Value type with operator values.
Element for the operator value type.
Element for recipes.
Registry for IValueType.
Collection of variable types.
Value type with values that are strings.
Element for value types that can be read from and written to strings.
Variable facade for variables determined by a raw value.
Variable model provider for value types.
A collection of all value type world renderers.
A default variable implementation.
A basic variable implementation.
Default implementation of IVariableContainer.
An event used to signal network elements of updated variables inside the network.
Triggers when a variable is created.
Base implementation of IVariableFacade
The variable facade handler registry.
Variable facade used for items that have no (valid) information on them.
IVariableFacadeHolder that stores facade info in the root of the item's NBT tag.
A predicate for variable facades of all types.
Model for a variant of a variable item.
A baked variable model.
Collection of variable model providers.
A predicate for variables of all types.
Network element for variable stores.
A VoxelShape that contains one or more VoxelShapeComponents.IComponent.
Allows VoxelShapeComponents instances to be created based on a set of registered handlers that can create components under given circumstances.
Shape handler for cable centers.
Shape handler for cable connections.
Shape handler for facades.
Shape handler for parts.
A text field that can show a dropdown for autocomplete.
A wrapper around ingredients.
Helper methods related to items.
An action that can serve as wrenching.
An action that can serve as wrenching.
Default component for writing redstone levels.